How To Play
Whether entering the town of Ravenswood Bluff as a player or embarking on your journey as the Storyteller, these videos will prepare you for your very first games of Blood on the Clocktower.

The Wiki
The Blood On The Clocktower Wiki is a huge resource for all things Clocktower and is growing all the time. There are sections on good player strategy & evil player strategy, as well as hints, tips, and tricks for every character in the game.
You’ll find advice for new Storytellers, insights on the three base editions, and a whole lot more. The Wiki is a work in progress, and probably always will be, so feel free to check back in from time to time to see what’s new.

Storyteller Quizzes
These quizzes will familiarise the Storyteller with game fundamentals and many of the various situations they’ll encounter running games of Blood on the Clocktower.
Test your knowledge before you run your first games, or refine your skills when you’re ready to handle more advanced content.

Blood on the Clocktower aims to be an inclusive and accessible game, allowing anyone wanting to join in to do so in as complete a way as possible. On the Accessibility page are some of the approaches & techniques to allow greater accessibility that have been discovered and developed over the course of the game’s life, with the hope that it will help you welcome into your games anyone who wants to play. The major areas currently covered are advice for including players who are blind, some mobility tips & attention deficit tips, and ways to best use the Revolutionary Fabled character to include players.

Chinese community 中文社群
In collaboration with Gstone Games, Blood on the Clocktower has been translated into Simplified Chinese and is ready to buy. The community around the game in China and among Chinese speakers around the globe is growing.
感谢 集石桌游 让血染钟楼也有了正式的简体中文版。